Who We Are
A group of Christian friends, who united for the same purpose of life, seek to be an instrument in the lives of those who wish to help and those who need help.

Our Mission
Dedicate ourselves to strategic initiatives related to hunger, health, education and social integration in the cities of Votorantim, Sorocaba, Piedade and Salto de Pirapora.

Our Vision
We believe that when men and women come together for a noble cause, life begins to make more sense.

What We Believe In
Everything we have comes from God and we feel the need to give back in some way.
Associação Natal Sem Fome
Tax ID: 20.864.974/0001-20
Address: Av. Luiz do Patrocínio Fernandes, 999 – CEP: 18114-001 – Vila Dominguinho
City: Votorantim / SP / Brazil
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